
satisfied. a nice condo in south california. software engineer, local business. wake up every morning at 8 am while the rest of the world wakes up four hours before you do. brush your teeth with a mechanical automatic toothbrush you supported on Kickstarter a while back. nice clothes. nice shoes. entering your Honda. driving to a nearby homebrew coffee place with free wifi. a backpack with a Macbook on it. ordering a frappuccino. sitting down at the nearest table. browsing your phone. drinking coffee. browsing your phone. drinking coffee. walking towards work. wondering about when the next Quentin Tarantino movie will come out. a breath of fresh air. power of positive thinking. power of work focus. work. arriving at the building. the bright, neon sign that says the name of the business in question. it’s questionable intentions that make you wonder everytime you go to work. sitting at your desk. those weird keyboards that are cut in the middle that nobody questions but everyone has. so weird. strange. but it works. the command prompt. the black background. the colored text in different lines. the slow growth of the file. like a tree in a way. but not like a tree. hard to explain. a line of work that is hard to explain. all you do is type shit. easy. lunch break. going downstairs to eat lunch with your co-workers and known associates. conversing with your co-workers and known associates. feeling no empathy nor sympathy for your co-workers and known associates. feeling empty, but pulling through. just another day. just another day. going back upstairs to your desk. typing some more. it feels endless. work ends. you go downstairs and take a right at the street. looking at the leaves on the floor. it’s autumn. everything is so beautiful. a little glimmer of hope in a world stuck in repetition. a light in the tunnel. looking around. looking around some more. entering your Honda. driving home. eating dinner. going to bed. wake up ready for another day. satisfied.